How To Read FOREX Price Action (Trends, Ranges & Structure)

Jesse Njogu
8 min readNov 30, 2022


When it comes to FOREX trading, one of the most important things to understand is price action. Price action is simply the movement of prices over time, and it can be used to identify trends, ranges, and market structure. In this blog post, we’re going to give you a crash course in FOREX price action. We’ll cover everything from how to analyse the markets to finding trends and ranges. We’ll even provide some case studies so that you can see how price action analysis can be applied in real-world scenarios. By the end of this post, you should have a good understanding of how to read FOREX price action.

Introduction To Forex Price Action

FOREX price action is a complex and exciting field, one that can provide traders with significant profits. Candlestick patterns and market structure are two of the key elements of FOREX price action, and understanding how they work can help you identify opportunities in this highly volatile market. In this section, we’ll introduce you to the basics of candlestick patterns and market structure, providing you with an understanding of what to look for when trading FOREX prices.

How To Analyse The FOREX Markets

To analyze the FOREX markets, you need to be familiar with price action and candlestick patterns. Price action is the movement of prices over time, and candlestick patterns are formations that appear on charts when there is a sudden change in price. Trends can also be analyzed using indicators such as moving averages or SARs. Structures, such as head and shoulders patterns, can also provide insights into the market. By understanding these concepts, you can start to make better investment decisions.

There are a number of resources available to help you understand the FOREX markets. One of the most popular is FXCM, which offers a variety of tools and tutorials. Another tool is TradingStation, which allows users to create custom indicators and strategies. You can also find numerous blogs and articles on the topic online. By following these sources and using the right tools, you can start to analyze the market and make better investment decisions.

Price Action Analysis Tools

Price action analysis is a critical tool for traders and investors. It allows you to identify trends, ranges, and structure in the markets so that you can make informed trading decisions. There are many different tools available to help you with price action analysis, so it is important to know which ones are best suited for your needs.

Some of the most common tools used in price action analysis include candlesticks, moving averages, stochastic indicators, and Fibonacci retracements. It is important to understand how each of these tools works and how to use them to trade the markets. Once you have learned about these tools, it is then important to learn how to read and identify trends, ranges, and structure in the markets. With practice, you will be able to use price action analysis effectively in order to make profitable trades.

There are a number of different price action analysis tools available. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it is important to choose the tool that is best suited for your needs. Candlesticks are one of the most common tools used in price action analysis. They allow you to see the open, high, low, and close prices for an asset over time. Candlesticks can be useful when looking for short-term trends or when trying to determine whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued.

Moving averages are another common tool used in price action analysis. They allow you to track the average price of an asset over multiple periods of time. Moving averages can be useful when trying to identify longer-term trends or when trading stocks that move relatively slowly. Stochastic indicators are also commonly used in price action analysis. They help traders identify patterns in how prices change over time and can be helpful when trying to make decisions about whether to enter or exit a trade based on past data. Fibonacci retracements are another popular tool used in price action analysis. They help traders understand where potential support and resistance levels may lie in order to make better trading decisions.

Learning how to use these different tools effectively will take some practice, but with patience and dedication, you will eventually be able to use them effectively in order to make profitable trades.

Finding Trends In Forex Price Action

Forex traders are always looking for opportunities to make money. One way that they can do this is by identifying forex trends. There are a few key things that you need to look for in order to identify a forex trend. The first thing is to pay attention to the pattern of price action. This includes looking at the overall trend, as well as specific gaps and levels. You should also pay attention to how the market is behaving relative to other markets, and whether it’s trending or ranging.

Another important thing to consider when trading forex is the difference between a ranging and trending market. A ranging market will see prices move up and down within certain boundaries, while a trending market will see prices move higher or lower over time without necessarily following any predetermined patterns. It’s important to know which type of market you’re trading in order to make the most informed decisions possible.

Finally, one of the most important things that you need when trading Forex is easy access to information. By using tools like FOREX charts, you can quickly and easily understand how the markets are performing at any given moment. This makes it easier than ever before for you to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves.

Identifying Ranges In Forex Price Action

Rangebound markets are a common occurrence in the stock market. They involve a market that is neither trending upwards nor downwards, but instead appears to be moving between two specific price points.

There are several key characteristics of rangebound markets that can help you identify them. These include a lack of momentum, high volatility, and tight spreads. Additionally, rangebound markets typically have low volume (meaning there is relatively little buying and selling activity). This makes them difficult to trade, as well as risky because it increases the chances of an error or misinterpretation of signals.

However, trading ranges can be profitable if done correctly. In fact, many traders regard trading ranges as one of the best ways to make money in the stock market. The main benefits of trading ranges include increased liquidity (because there is more buying and selling), reduced risk (since volatility is lower), and opportunity for arbitrage (between different prices within a range).

Analyzing Forex Market Structure

As a trader, it is important to be able to read and understand price action. This is where candlestick patterns come into play. Candlestick patterns can give you a good indication of market trends. For example, if the market is moving lower, you may see candles with closed prices below the support level (which indicates that sellers are pushing the price lower) and candles with open prices above the resistance level (which indicates that buyers are pushing the price higher). Additionally, support and resistance levels can help you identify potential market reversals. If the market breaks through or exceeds a support or resistance level, this could indicate that there is strong buying or selling pressure in that area and future actions would be more likely to favor those positions.

Market structure can also provide valuable insights into how the market is likely to move in the future. For example, if you see a lot of selling activity near a downtrending trend line (indicating that sellers are anticipating an upcoming reversal), this may suggest that there will be more selloffs in this area in the near future. Conversely, if you see a lot of buying activity near a trending trend line (indicating that buyers are anticipating an upcoming reversal), this may suggest that there will be more upturns in this area in the near future.

Applying Forex Price Action Analysis

Forex price action analysis is a valuable tool that can be used by traders to make profitable trades. In this blog, we will discuss how to read Forex price action and apply FOREX price action analysis in order to make better decisions.

When trading Forex, it is essential to be able to read the market quickly and accurately. This is where FOREX price action analysis comes into play. By understanding how the market has reacted in the past, you can more easily anticipate future reactions and make better trade decisions.

One of the benefits of applying FOREX price action analysis is that it can help you improve your win rate. By knowing what types of moves are likely to lead to success, you can minimize your losses while still trading successfully.

Forex price action analysis can be divided into three main categories: horizontal movement, vertical movement, and indicator settings. Each of these has its own set of rules that must be followed in order to create valid Forex prices.

Horizontal movement refers to the price of a financial asset moving up or down within a certain range. For example, if the market is trading above or below a certain key resistance level, then that would be considered horizontal movement.

Vertical movement occurs when the price of an asset moves up or down along a defined axis. An example of this would be if the market was trading inside or outside of a symmetrical triangle formation.

Indicator settings are simply technical indicators that are used to provide additional information about the current state of the market. Some common indicators include the EMA (average) line, MACD (moving average convergence/divergence), RSI (relative strength index), and more.

Case Studies In Forex Price Action Analysis

Case studies in FOREX Price Action Analysis can provide traders with insights into the behaviour of FOREX market participants. This can allow traders to better understand how markets work, and to identify potential opportunities. Additionally, case studies in FOREX Price Action Analysis can help to identify market trends, ranges and structures. This information can then be used to make informed trading decisions.

Below are two case studies which illustrate how FOREX market participants can use Price Action Analysis to their advantage. In the first case study, traders use Price Action Analysis to identify a potential buy opportunity. The second case study demonstrates how Price Action Analysis can be used to predict future price movements.

In the first case study, traders take a look at the FOREX market chart for the GBP/USD currency pair. They notice that the market has been making large moves in a relatively short amount of time. Based on this information, they decide to buy British pounds (GBP) futures contracts with an expiration date of three days from now. By doing so, they are able to lock in a good deal on the investment while also taking advantage of current market conditions.

In the second case study, traders use Price Action Analysis to predict future price movements. They take a look at the USD/JPY currency pair and see that there is likely going to be another major move in this currency exchange rate soon. Based on this information, they decide to sell US dollar (USD) futures contracts with an expiration date of one week from now.

To Wrap Things Up

By understanding FOREX price action, you can start making better investment decisions. There are a number of different tools and resources available to help you with this, so it is important to find the ones that are best suited to your needs. With practice, you will be able to use price action analysis effectively to make profitable trades.

