Introversion is NOT a Weakness

Jesse Njogu
2 min readNov 21, 2022


Most people believe that introversion is a weakness. But they do not understand that introverts are highly sensitive. They process information differently from extroverts. They are not necessarily introverts. They may be introspective or even ambiverts (the term used for people who are both extroverted and introverted).

Introverts may seem strange or awkward in social situations. They may appear to lack energy or passion. Their reactions to events may be slow to emerge. They may appear indifferent or aloof. Many introverts struggle to communicate their feelings because they prefer to observe. They often feel uncomfortable talking about themselves.

However, the truth is that introverts have a lot to offer. They are intelligent, creative, intuitive, innovative, insightful, perceptive, patient, empathetic, and more. They have strong critical thinking skills. They are great listeners. They are excellent problem solvers. They have the ability to think outside the box. They are not afraid to ask questions.

All these qualities make introverts valuable assets to any organisation. When properly nurtured, they can become outstanding leaders.

In fact, introverts play a vital role in society as a whole. They have played a significant part in the development of science, technology, medicine, and literature. They are the inventors of ideas that have transformed the world. They are the architects of modern civilisation.

Introverts are less likely than extroverts to seek publicity or recognition. Thus, they are not usually celebrated for their contributions, though the world would be poorer without them. The following individuals are exceptional examples of introverts whose work has changed the course of history.

Carl Sagan: Creator of Cosmos, pioneer of astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, and planetary science.

Johann Sebastian Bach: Composer of music that influenced Western culture for centuries.

Albert Einstein: Physicist famous for his theory of relativity.

Thomas Edison: Inventor who brought electricity to America.

Isaac Newton: Mathematician and astronomer who developed calculus and founded modern physics.

Mark Twain: Author of classic novels including The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Steven Spielberg: Filmmaker known for blockbusters such as E.T., Jurassic Park, Schindler’s List, Jaws, and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Introversion is NOT a Weakness!

